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Title: Effect of internal curing by using superabsorbent polymers (SAP) on autogenous shrinkage and other properties of a high-performance fine-grained concrete: results of a RILEM round-robin test
Authors: Mechtcherine, V.
Gorges, M.
Schroefl, C.
Assmann, A.
Brameshuber, W.
Ribeiro, A. C.
Cusson, D.
Custódio, J.
Keywords: Autogenous shrinkage;Internal curing;Superabsorbent polymer
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The article presents the results of a round robin test performed by 13 international research groups (representing fifteen institutions) in the framework of the activities of the RILEM Technical Committee 225-SAP ‘‘Applications of Superabsorbent Polymers in Concrete Construction’’. Two commercially available SAP materials were used for internal curing of a high-performance, fine-grained concrete in combination with the addition of extra water. The concrete had the same mix composition in all laboratories involved but was composed of local materials. All found a considerable decrease in autogenous shrinkage attributable to internal curing. Also, with regard to the shrinkage-mitigating effect of both particular SAP materials, the results were consistent. This demonstrates that internal curing using SAP is a robust approach, working independently of some variations in the concretes’ raw materials, production process, or measuring technique. Furthermore, the effects of internal curing on other properties of concrete in its fresh and hardened states were investigated. These are consistent as well and expand considerably the existing data basis on properties of concrete materials containing SAP.
Appears in Collections:DM/NMC - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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