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Title: Contribution for the dissemination of rockfill dam with bituminous concrete core solution in Portugal
Authors: Caldeira, L.
Keywords: Barragens de aterro;Cortina de betão betuminoso
Issue Date: 27-Apr-2010
Publisher: Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia
Abstract: The present work is based on the MSc thesis with the same name, defensed in IST in 2009. This work addresses, firstly, a reflection about rockfill dams with bituminous concrete core and aims to contribute to the understanding and divulgation of this type of impervious solution, regarding its application, for the first time, in Portugal. It is initially presented a brief history of this type of dams built to date and about their first appearance. The specificities of bituminous concrete cores are addressed and observation and structural behaviour are also addressed. It is subsequently developed the practical component of the work, the design at preliminary level of the Torno river rockfill dam with bituminous concrete core. From the compiled information and the conducted studies, it may be concluded that the rockfill dams with bituminous concrete core are suitable solutions from the technical point of view, with remarkable results of structural behaviour, which may constitute an alternative dam type solution
Appears in Collections:DG/Chefia - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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