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Title: On the Inconsistency between Practice and Reporting in Science: The Genesis of Scientific Articles
Authors: Gonçalves, T. D.
Keywords: Science;scientific article;scientific practice;inconsistency
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Abstract: Scientific publications depict science as an orderly endeavour and the epitome of rationality. In contrast, scientific practice is messy and not strictly rational. Here, I analyze this inconsistency, which is recurrent, and try to clarify its meaning for the functioning of science. The discussion is based on a review of relevant literature and detailed analysis of the role of each of the three intervening elements, the scientist, his/her practice and the scientific publication, with an emphasis on the circular mode of the latter’s creation. This way, I will discuss the nature, causes and relevance of the inconsistency. That corresponds to answering three questions, respectively: ‘what are the characteristics of the inconsistency?’, ‘what are its origins?’ and ‘how could it be interpreted within a model for the structure and functioning of science?’ From this discussion it is concluded that, contrary to the negative character generally attributed to it, the inconsistency between practice and reporting is part of the production mechanism of science.
Appears in Collections:DM/NQC - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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