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Title: HIDRALERTA system - Aveiro harbour
Authors: Fortes, C. J. E. M.
Pinheiro, L.
Zózimo, A. C.
Keywords: HIDRALERTA;Early warning System;Harbour;Maneuvering;Ships
Issue Date: Sep-2023
Publisher: Yildiz Technical University
Abstract: This paper presents the prototype of HIDRALERTA for the port of Aveiro, showing the potential of the system, both as a tool for forecasting and warning of emergency situations and as a tool for planning and managing the risk in climate change scenarios. The prototype for Aveiro harbour showcases a new feature of HIDRALERTA system, which is the early warning system for maneuvering ships along the entrance channel, following the work of the BlueSafePort project.
Appears in Collections:DHA/NPE - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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