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Title: Non-linear infra-gravity and sea-swell wave-wave interactions at S. Jacinto beach
Authors: Mendes, D.
Pires Silva, A.
Fortunato, A. B.
Pinto, J. P.
Keywords: Infra-gravity waves;Non-linear wave-wave interactions;Bispectral analysis;Wave observations
Issue Date: Jun-2016
Publisher: Instituto Hidrográfico
Abstract: Non-linear wave-wave interactions between sea-swell waves (0.5 < f < 0.04 Hz) and infragravity waves (0.04 < f < 0.004 Hz) are studied in detail from field data using bispectral analysis. This methodology allowed to understand the direction and magnitude of the non-linear energy transfers within the spectrum. Field measurements of pressure data were collected at S. Jacinto beach during a full tidal cycle on a cross-shore transect at the subtidal and intertidal zone. Bispectral estimates showed triad interactions between two sea-swell waves and one infra-gravity wave at the surf zone. The non-linear transfers were out of phase which indicates the presence of bound waves. These results evidenced the presence of energy transfers from infra-gravity to sea-swell band where the sea-swell waves are more energetic, during shoaling and breaking.
Appears in Collections:DHA/NEC - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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