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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 498
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2021Energy Balance in Wastewater Systems with Energy Recovery: A Portuguese Case StudyJorge, C.; Almeida, M. C.; Covas, D.
Sep-2021Performance Assessment System to Wastewater Utilities Strategic PlanningAlmeida, M. C.; Brito, R.; Jorge, C.; Cardoso, M. A.
Sep-2021Impacto de afluências indevidas no consumo energético em instalações elevatórias em sistemas de drenagem urbana.Jorge, C.; Almeida, M. C.; Covas, D.
Jul-2021Designing for People's Safety on Flooded Streets: Uncertainties and the Influence of the Cross-Section Shape, Roughness and Slopes on Hazard Criteria.David, L.; Carvalho, R.
Jun-2021Performance Assessment System for Energy Efficiency in Wastewater SystemsJorge, C.; Almeida, M. C.; Covas, D.
Apr-2021Multi-criteria decision analysis in urban water asset managementCarriço, N.; Covas, D.; Almeida, M. C.
Apr-2021Multisector Risk Identification to Assess Resilience to FloodingAlmeida, M. C.; Telhado, M.; Morais, M.; Barreiro, J.
Mar-2021Contribuição de armazenamentos em áreas periurbanas na redução dos caudais de ponta a jusanteSousa, J.F.; David, L.; MARTINS, S.
Feb-2021Controlo de contaminantes de interesse emergente em ETA e ETARViegas, R.M. C.; Ribeiro, R.; Rosa, M. J.; Campinas, M.; Mesquita, E.; Silva, C.
Mar-2021Eficiência hídrica de edifícios residenciais – teste de metodologia de auditoria em contexto real.Vieira, P.; Alegre, H.; Poças, A.; Cardoso, P.; Santos, P.; Newton, F.
Mar-2021Occurrence and seasonality of pharmaceutical compounds in urban wastewaters in two Portuguese regionsSilva, C.; Almeida, C.M.M.; Rodrigues, J.A.; Sofia, S.; Coelho, R.; Martins, A.; Lourinho, R,; Cardoso, E.; Cardoso, V.V.; Benoliel, M. J.; Rosa, M. J.
Mar-2021An update on wastewater multi-resistant bacteria: Identification of clinical pathogens such as Escherichia coli O25b:H4-B2-ST131-producing CTX-M-15 ESBL and KPC-3 carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella oxytocaMesquita, E.; Ribeiro, R.; Silva, C.J.C.; Alves, R.; Baptista, R.; Condinho, S.; Rosa, M. J.; Perdigão, J.; Caneiras, C.; Duarte, A.
Mar-2020The contribution of NBS to urban resilience in stormwater management and control: a framework with stakeholder validationBeceiro, P.; Brito, R.; Galvão, A.
Mar-2020RAF resilience assessment framework - a tool to support cities' action planning.Cardoso, M. A.; Brito, R.; Pereira, C.; Gonzalez, A.; Stevens, J. R.; Telhado, M.
Jan-2020Approach to develop a climate change resilience assessment framework.Cardoso, M. A.; Brito, R.; Almeida, M. C.
May-2020Strategic Asset Management approach for planning investment in a large-scale irrigation systemBrito, R.; Alegre, H.; Machado, P.
Dec-2020Assessing urban resilience in complex and dynamic systems: the RESCCUE project approach in Lisbon research siteBarreiro, J.; Lopes, R.; Ferreira, F.; Brito, R.; Telhado, M.; Matos, J. S.; Matos, R. S.
Dec-2020Following a step by step development of a Resilience Action Plan.Cardoso, M. A.; Telhado, M.; Almeida, M. C.; Brito, R.; Pereira, C.; Barreiro, J.; Morais, M.
Dec-2020Increased Urban resilience to climate change - key outputs from the RESCCUE Project.Velasco, M.; Russo, B.; Monjo, R.; Paradinas, C.; Djordjevic, S.; Evans, B.; Martinez, E.; Aguirre-Guerrero, A.; Cardoso, M. A.; Brito, R.
Dec-2020Resilience assessment framework for Nature Based Solutions in stormwater management and control: application to cities with different resilience maturity.Beceiro, P.; Galvão, A.; Brito, R.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 498
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