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Title: Overtopping of a porous strcuture using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics numerical model
Authors: Neves, D. R.
Didier, E.
Reis, M. T.
Neves, M. G.
Issue Date: Sep-2012
Abstract: This work presents the new developments on a SPH numerical model for studies on wave-structure interaction at the National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC), Portugal. A piston-type wavemaker including active wave absorption and drift correction was implemented and a new technique based on a semi-automatic refinement of particles was applied to reduce the CPU time. Simulations were made regarding the study of the overtopping over the porous structure of the West breakwater of the Albufeira harbor in Portugal. Overtopping results were compared with the AMAZON and IH-2VOF simulations.
Appears in Collections:DHA/NPE - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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