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Title: Custom deployment of a Nowcast - forecast information system in coastal regions
Authors: Jesus, G.
Gomes, J.
Ribeiro, N. A.
Oliveira, A.
Keywords: Real - time forecasting;Spatial data;Nowcast - forecast;Coastal systems;Visualization
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: LNEC
Abstract: This paper presents a nowcast - forecast information system, tailored for coastal applications. The information system is based on the custom deployment of a generic forecasting platform, modified for short to long wav e predictions, and implemented in a modular way to accommodate future developments. It integrates a suite of high resolution numerical models, prepared for application in high performance environments. The architectural and technological details are presen ted here, along with examples from three distinct applications for the forecasting of short and long waves. Emphasis is given on the several phases of the daily execution process of the system, on how the forecast models are integrated, as well as on the r ecent improvement in the models outputs visualization. Future developments, towards an early warning system for coupled circulation, and a coastal oil spill prevention and prediction system, coupling remote sensing and numerical models, will be discussed, along with several technological issues
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