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Title: Tidal asymmetry in a coastal lagoon subject to a mixed tidal regime
Authors: Jewell, S.
Walker, D.
Fortunato, A. B.
Keywords: Tidal asymmetry;Coastal lagoon;Mixed tides;Murray mouth
Issue Date: Feb-2012
Publisher: Geomorphology
Abstract: Tidal asymmetry is a key factor in the geomorphology of many coastal lagoons. Whilst tidal asymmetry in semi-diurnal tidal regimes has been extensively studied, its occurrence in mixed tidal regimes is less well understood, and has a number of unique causes and characteristics. Tidal phase duration analysis and least squares harmonic analysis have been used to study the temporal and spatial nature of asymmetry in both offshore and coastal lagoon tides at the Murray Mouth in south-eastern Australia. GIS analysis of bathymetric survey data has been used to study the roles of lagoon bathymetry on tidal distortion. Tidal asymmetry in the Murray Mouth coastal lagoon results from frequency relationships between major astronomical driving tides as well as bathymetry-induced tidal transformations. The frequency difference between the K1 and S2 tides produces an important 6-monthly ebb/flood-dominant asymmetry cycle in the incoming oceanic tides, whilst phase relationships between the K1 and K2 tides contribute to persistent asymmetry. The use of standard relationships between theM2 andM4 tides as asymmetry indicators is shown to be invalid for this mixed tidal regime. In this shallow, microtidal system, the impacts of bathymetry on tidal asymmetry within the lagoon are profound, with inlet and channel configurations identified as the most important controlling factors. The results of this study may inform the strategic management of tidal inlets in mixed tidal regimes, such as the Murray Mouth, that are subject to intermittent or long-term constriction.
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