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Title: Semantic differential study of road traffic noise
Authors: Antunes, S.
Rebelo, M.
Patrício, J.
Samagaio, A.
Keywords: Road traffic noise;Noise perception
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2010
Publisher: LNEC
Abstract: The study focuses on subjective assessments of road traffic noise in two urban areas of Portugal (Lisbon and Oporto). In order to study the attitude of individuals face to noise from traffics sources present in urban areas, listening tests were made, with a series of audio recordings of pass by of different types of vehicles typical of these two cities. The survey consisted of the evaluation of each noise source through bipolar scales composed of opposite adjectives. In this article we present the analyses and conclusions of this type of study.
Appears in Collections:DED/NAICI - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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