Albufeiras na Ilha da Madeira: (imprescindível) impermeabilização com geossintéticos
A Durabilidade dos geossintéticos: Estigma ou fator de sustentabilidade
Challenges in assessing the hydrogeological impact of underground structures in urban renewal projects
LAYERS project – preliminary results from GPR and ERT surveys at Museu do Azulejo
In the width of the walls, in the depth of the soil - research project LAYERS (results from first sensitivity tests)
Detecting unregistered underground infrastructure with GPR
The effectiveness of ‘‘clay’’ liners as basal isolation of landfills: a case study
Organic chemistry and magnetic susceptibility to characterize Late Mesolithic (ca. 8400-7000 cal BP) palaeoenvironmental conditions in the Sado Estuary, Portugal.
Granite fracturing and incipient pollution beneath a recent landfill facility as detected by geoelectrical surveys
Combined use of geophysical methods and water information to assess human activities impacts on karst groundwater quality
Livro branco da gestão da recarga de aquíferos: Seleção de contribuições portuguesas para o projecto Marsol sobre mitigação da escassez de água e de secas
Avaliação da integridade de estacas de betão pelo método de diagrafia sónica entre furos
Depth of detection in resistivity surveys. A case study of a resistive buried target
Porosity and water saturation degree from combined resistivity and seismic surveys for geotechnical site characterization
One-dimensional geotechnical modelling by seismic methods of Lisbon alluvial basins
2D sections of porosity and water saturation percent from combined resistivity and seismic surveys for hydrogeologic studies
Metodologias de prospecção geofísica aplicadas a problemas ambientais e geotécnicos. Aplicação conjunta demétodos eléctricos e sísmicos
Prospeção com GEORADAR: O caso da oficina do DRMM/CML, no Polo dos Olivais
Estimativas bidimensionais de parâmetros elásticos dinâmicos em maciços rochosos
Aquifer recharge capacity assessment of a anthropogenically impacted wetland by the DC resistivity geophysical method