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Title: Integration ELMs or Interpolation ELMs?
Authors: Oliveira, A.
Melo Baptista, A.
Issue Date: 1994
Publisher: ******
Series/Report no.: ******
Abstract: Recent finite element Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods (ELMs) have traded the classical notion of interpolation at the feet of the characteristic lines for that of integration. In this paper, the stability and accuracy of selected integration and interpolation ELMs is formally analyzed and compared. We show that integration generally leads to better accuracy, but some integration ELMs are only conditionally stable. Stability criteria are established, on the basis of Courant number, diffusion number, and type and number of quadrature points. Key Words: Transport equation. Eulerian-Lagrangian methods. Stability analysis. Accuracy analysis. Numerical experimentation
Appears in Collections:DHA/NEC - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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