Departamento de Barragens de Betão
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Recent Submissions
Characterization of Relative Movements between Blocks Observed in a Concrete Dam and Definition of Thresholds for Novelty Identification Based on Machine Learning Models
Soft Computing and Machine Learning in Dam Engineering
Safety assessment of a gravity dam using a hydromechanical model: fracture propagation at the dam/foundation interface
Sliding stability assessment of concrete dams using 3D discontinuum hydromechanical model following a discrete crack approach
Numerical modelling of experimental uniaxial and compression-shear tests on traditional stone masonry specimens, using 2D particle models
Insights about modelling environmental spatiotemporal actions in thermal analysis of concrete dams: A case study.
Mineral aggregates representation in discrete numerical model of bituminous mixture
3D dem simulation of the post-healed behavior of asphalt mixtures with encapsulated rejuvenators
Modelação de muretes de alvenaria de pedra tradicional em compressão-corte utilizando modelos de partículas 2D: Cargas monotónicas e cíclicas
Rock engineering design in tomorrow’s geotechnical toolbox: Eurocode and the basis of structural and geotechnical design (the second generation of EN 1990 and EN 1997)
Modelação numérica do comportamento dinâmico observado da barragem do Baixo Sabor
Seven years of continuous dynamic monitoring of baixo sabor dam
Probabilistic Model for the Representation of the ReservoirWater Level of Concrete Dams During Normal Operation Periods
Suveillance of large dams aided by automated monitoring systems and machine learning techniques. Contribution from the Portuguese experience
Behaviour prediction of a concrete arch dam combining NN and MLR models – Proposal for the 16th ICOLD BW
Interpretação de deslocamentos horizontais observados na barragem do Baixo Sabor com recurso a modelos de machine learning. Caracterização do efeito da frequência de medição na qualidade dos modelos
Metrological quality of the excitation force in forced vibration test of concrete dams
Analysis, interpretation and prediction of the structural behavior of Cahora Bassa dam (Mozambique), affected by concrete swelling
Desenvolvimento de modelos de interpretação quantitativa do tipo HTT com recurso a medições da temperatura do ar. Aplicação aos deslocamentos horizontais observados na barragem do Baixo Sabor.