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Title: A contribution to the study of wave propagation and wave breaking: physical and numerical modelling
Authors: Conde, J. M.
Fortes, C. J. E. M.
Didier, E.
Neves, D. R.
Endres, L.
Issue Date: Sep-2012
Abstract: The knowledge of the wave transformation and breaking characteristics near the coastline is essential for the design of coastal structures. This paper reports the experimental and numerical results of wave shoaling and breaking over a set of different gentle slopes. Two different numerical models are compared: a multi-layered Boussinesq model (COULWAVE) and a RANS model (FLUENT®). From the numerical tests, RANS model shows a better behavior than Boussinesq model and needs less calibration parameters; however computational time is the drawback of RANS models.
Appears in Collections:DHA/NPE - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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