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Title: Enhancement of heat transfer in office buildings during night cooling − reduced scale experimentation
Authors: Lança, M.
Coelho, P.
Viegas, J.
Keywords: Night cooling;Suspended ceiling;Natural ventilation;Sustainable buildings
Issue Date: 12-Jun-2017
Publisher: Assembly of World Conferences on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Abstract: Most office buildings are designed to be ventilated and cooled using mechanical systems. In a temperate climate, when the outdoor temperatures are favourable, e.g. at night, passive ventilation and cooling techniques can be used to reduce energy consumption. Building’s thermal mass represents a way to accomplish that goal due to their ability to retain heat. However, the portion of exposed elements in modern constructions is kept to a minimum. There are decorative components, like the suspended ceiling, that represent an insulation between the internal occupation zone and the thermal elements, preventing the desired thermal exchange. In this work, an innovative solution that optimizes the night cooling phenomena is presented. It is concerned with the use of the plenum formed by the space between the slab and the suspended ceiling for cooling purposes. The tests were carried on a reduced scale model based on dimensional analysis and similitude criteria. The suspended ceilings used in the experiments allow the outside air to cool the slab, therefore promoting an increase of the heat exchanged between the structural elements of the building and the zone that needs to be cooled. The results indicate that the increased amount of exposed slab area contributes to lower the day peak indoor temperatures.
Appears in Collections:DED/NAICI - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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