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Title: Combined performance of boron and consolidation products in timber degraded by fungi
Authors: Henriques, M. D.
Ribeiro Nunes, L. M.
Brito, J.
Keywords: Maritime pine;Wood rot;Treatment;Consolidation
Issue Date: Apr-2010
Publisher: Marine Environment Damage to Atlantic Coastal and Historical Structures
Citation: Henriques, M.D.; Nunes, L.; Brito, J. (2010): Combined performance of boron and consolidation products in timber degraded by fungi: Marine Environment Damage to Atlantic Coast Historical and transport Structures and Buildings, 495-506pp
Series/Report no.: comunicação;
Abstract: When timber elements in heritage buildings are moderately degraded by fungi and assuming underlying moisture problems are solved, two actions can be taken: i) use a biocid product to stop fungi activity ii) consolidate the degraded elements so that the timber keeps on fulfilling its structural and decorative functions. This paper presents the laboratory work performed with the purpose of understanding the mechanical performance of maritime pine timber degraded by fungi when subjected to a treatment with a biocid product followed by consolidation with an impregnationproduct. Three commercially available pre-selected products were used: a boron water-based biocide, an acrylic consolidation and an epoxy based consolidant. Treated and consolidated specimens were subjected to mechanical tests: axial compression test and surface hardness. Similar sets of replicates were subjected to an evaporation aging test after the products were applied and equally tested. An increase in mechanical strength was observed for both consolidants with no significant influence of the previous use of biocode product. The specimens subjected to aging showed a slightly better general mechanical performance than those not aged.
Appears in Collections:DE/NCE - Comunicações a congressos e artigos de revista

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